The melt water runs twenty-five miles through the mountains from the Ice Sheet of Greenland before it reaches the valley of Kangerlussuaq. Here lies Orpigaq. An orphanage for young, vulnerable Greenlanders with nothing good in common.
Some are caught in patterns of crime, others of drugs, many in self-harm, violence and sexual abuse. They are young people our society has failed and for them the orphanage is the last hope, and the last stop before jail.
To give the children a voice of their own, they are presented with each their portrait.
And asked to write what they think, when they look at themselves.
The project was made for Fonden Kanonen, and was published as a magazine and sent to decision makers in the government.
It won a first prize at PDN Photo Annual and was exhibited at Tribeca Rooftop Terrace, New York
It was selected for Copenhagen Photo Festival, and exhibited in Copenhagen.
It was selected by STATUS15 and exhibited in Museumsbygningen, Copenhagen